Process Management Engineer

TraceAir Technologies, Inc.   Seattle, WA   Full-time     Engineering
Posted on January 26, 2025

Process Management Engineer (Seattle, WA), Troubleshoot new & existing product solutions by applying systems engrg principles to processes that support operations & new biz strategies. Apply Mgmt Sci Enrg principles to processes that support existing operations & new biz strategies. Manage game theoretic dsgn of new products & biz strategies by analyzing oppty's for value capture & creation. Identify oppty's for improving processes & products using knowledge of fabrication processes. Analyze breakthrough technologies in surveying operations. Dvlp viable products & manage manufacture & delivery processes. Req. Mstr's deg in Mgmt Sci & Engrg. Sal: $120K/yr. Mail CV to 1700 Westlake Ave., N, Ste. 200, Seattle, WA 98109, TraceAir Technologies, Inc., Attn: Dmitry Korolev, CEO