Senior Manager I, Advanced Analytics
Senior Manager I, Advanced Analytics professional opening available at Wal-Mart in Bellevue, WA. Master's or equiv in Bus., Fin., Accnt'g, Stats, or rel. fld & 2 yrs of exp in data analytics or rel. fld; OR Bachelor's or equiv in Bus., Fin., Accnt'g, Stats, or rel. fld & 4 yrs of exp in data analytics or rel. fld. Walmart will accept any amount of exp w/ req'd skills. Salary range: $150,987/yr to $264,000/yr. Add'l compensation incls ann/qrtly. perf. incentives. May incl: Regional Pay Zone (based on loc.) & Stock equity incentives. Med., vision & dent. coverage, 401(k), stock purch. & co.-paid life insurance. PTO (incl sick leave), parent/fam care leave, bereavement, jury duty & voting. Short & long-term disab., educ assist. w/ 100% comp. paid college deg., comp discounts, mil serv pay, adopt. exp. reimb. Eligibility req. apply to some benefits & depend on job class & length of emp. Benefits are subject to change & may be subject to a specific plan or program terms. For info. about benefits & eligibility, see For specific job duties, skills req'mts, & to apply, visit Select "Search Jobs" & type the following job #: R-2081408. EOE, AAE.